Redefining Fabulous

Oh you can't? GIRL, YES YOU CAN!

Season 1 Episode 23

Are you feeling stuck? Or maybe you're in a season of doubting yourself? Sometimes a little mother nature can give you the clarity you've been searching for. Especially when you're walking to a killer podcast episode that just really hits home for you. I hope you find there here, today.

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➡️ Kacia Ghetmeri (Fitzgerald) : EmpowerHER Podcast

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Hey girl, hey, are you ready for some real talk? If you are a female entrepreneur who has ever felt like a total failure, or maybe even a frequent flyer of imposter syndrome, this podcast is for you. I'm your host, Jesse, a millennial business owner, boy mom and creative genius helping women bring their business dreams to life. After 10 years of building numerous creative brands from the ground up, I'm ready to get real about what actually goes on behind the scenes of building your very own empire feel you're opening up brand new mindset for me. And I really want that for you too, because honestly, I am just so over society's definition of what it means to live a successful life. So together, we are going to create and navigate a version of success that works for you. Together, we can redefine fabulous. Hey, girl, hey, happy Friday. Yay. Thank you guys so much for joining me today for this incredible episode. And I just got back from a walk actually. And I had some really strong realizations and just kind of clarity that I wanted to share with you guys. Because I think that some of you may be able to relate to the season that I'm currently in right now. And why some of these realizations are becoming such a big aspect in my life and what I'm doing to make decisions right now. So today, we're gonna talk a little bit about getting past that hump of lack of confidence, and just that general feeling of but I can't, okay, we're gonna get past that hump of the words, I can't. Okay, now, sometimes in marketing, I bring it Diaz to the table that are maybe fresh, or maybe they're new to the client, there's something that they haven't been done yet. And the first thing I always experience is, you know, immediate pushback, immediate resistance, okay. And the number one thing I hear from people is that they're not qualified to do whatever I'm telling them to do. And I just, it's funny to me, because we live in a world where things are so easy to access online, okay, things are so easy to google how to do something, right. And the reality is that we are just too damn lazy to do it. And guys, I'm raising my hand, there are plenty of things that I am just too damn lazy to look it up and figure out how to do it myself. Okay, that's fine. That's I will own up to that. But I'm not going to sit here and say that. I'm not doing that because I'm under qualified. Okay. So the truth is, you're not under qualified or unqualified, you just haven't tried it yet. Okay. And so you just you haven't pursued a new thing you haven't pursued learning it or gaining experience in it. So the number one thing that might be blocking your next season of growth is the mindset that you carry. Okay, I want you to really think about that, because it's the mindset that you're carrying, that you need to be concerned about, okay? Is the mindset that you carry right now allowing you to think outside of the box? Is it allowing you space to, you know, kind of access the unknown, to try the unknown, to build experience that you might need to make an educated decision about the direction that you're looking to take? Okay, so when I was on my walk today, Keisha Fitzgerald, she is the host of the empower her podcast. Most of you know that she was also my podcasting coach, before I got started, I was part of her January pod squad last year, and she is just an incredible force and just so freakin inspiring. Okay, and in the episode that I was listening to today, she is talking about consistency and you know, just kind of struggling to stay on track or struggling to show up. And she has a quote in there that she pulls and it just really resonated with me and I really think that you guys might resonate with this as well. So she says Maybe you just haven't done enough things for the magnet of your life to tell you what it's attracted to. Okay, now what I'm hearing from that is try and fail right? And if you have not tried and failed or won, no matter what you have learned something. So how can you tell me that you're under qualified or that you can't win? You don't know if you can or can't, okay, I believe that like this is something that is very fear based right so like, I guys, I am just like you I am human. There are plenty of things that can be brought to the table and I am immediately just like Nope, nope. And it's actually really funny because I'll give my boyfriend's such a hard time because he has that like immediate nope mentality to so many things. And so like, it's kind of become a joke a little bit because I will ask him something and then basically be like, no, no. And it's kind of become, you know, something that is a little bit of a joke, but it's also something that we're really working on in our communication because I am someone who gets very strongly triggered by someone who immediately says no, like before you can even frickin finish the sentence like, I love that shit, okay. And if you know me well enough, if you know me in person, like, you know, I have probably done it to you, because I just have a really hard time with people who like literally just close their mind, right out of the gate like that. That is just a really big struggle for me. But I also relate to it because I was in a season of life and business where I had that mentality I was in like, I was in protection mode. I was like, Nope, you know what, I am not getting burned again. So just know, everything was nope, nope, I'm good, you know, whatever I can relate to that season. But I can also relate to getting past that hump. And getting into a mindset and a place in business and in life, where the possibilities are like lighting up and the possibility part that like, unknown part is actually what drives me. Okay, that is what drives me to do the things that I do on a daily basis. Okay, and what's funny here, too, is that I get a lot of people who tell me this, like all the time, sometimes passively aggressively, hey, you know what you do you boo, but you know, I get asked a lot. Why do you do so many things? Or how it? How do you do so many things? Aren't you overwhelmed? How are you moving the needle anywhere when you're doing all these things, and there are plenty of coaches out there, who very much focus on focusing on one thing, screw all the other stuff, you need to narrow this down to one thing and guess what, guys? If you know me at all, you know that that is not possible for me. And you know what, quite frankly, what a disservice to the world. That would be okay. I'm sorry. I just I respectfully disagree that that is just utter bullshit. Because look at me now. Okay, I am not here to brag or toot my own horn by any means. But I am confident that I am a living, breathing proof of the fact that you can absolutely be good at multiple things and pursue multiple things. Now, yes, it might take a different level of discipline, it might take the ability to have, you know, an open mindset, but it can be done, if it's what you want. Okay. And I think the reason that this really triggered me today is because I am in a season of business where a lot of things are coming full circle. Okay. To make a long story short, you know, back in 2018, I had recently had a child, I was in the midst of getting divorced, I lost my million dollar brand. At that point, I was struggling with postpartum depression, I was in a very dark and dark, dark, dark, dark, dark place. Okay, I had no idea what I was doing in my life, I had spent 10 years doing something that I felt I was aligned with. And maybe I was for a certain amount of time, but it wasn't what I wasn't meant to do. But it was something I tried. It was something I was good at. And it's something that I stuck with. But in hindsight, there were many red flags for me to know that I was not going to be doing that forever. Do I regret any of those things? That's actually another question I've gotten a lot lately. Do you regret anything? And my simple answer is no. Because without those things, I would not be who I am today, I would not have the strength or have the tools in my toolbox that I have today. The business that I am building right now would have never been born had those things not happened. Okay? So I want you to really kind of think about this. If you're feeling like you might be in a, you know, a darker place or feeling stuck or, you know, you really just don't know what to do look back and really start to pull apart those things and really start to say, Okay, but what did I learn here? Okay, because the learning aspect of that is so freaking important. Okay, but the bigger thing I want to discuss about that story or past of mine, is that I decided to turn it around, okay. And when I decided to turn it around, I had no idea where I was going, but in this Instead of sitting in a paralyzed state of what the fuck am I gonna do next? I got out there, and I started doing something, okay. And if I had not taken the steps to get up and get out and do something and try something, I would not be in the position and season that I'm in in business right now. Because it was the realization that I needed to do all of those things. It's proof of process of elimination and proof of figuring out what it is that I'm most aligned with. Okay, how can we know what we are meant to do by just thinking about it? Okay, how do we know what purpose we're meant to serve? Without trying to serve numerous purposes? Okay, so when this way to fabulous was relaunched. Back in 2020, I knew that I wanted to transition a lot more into business, a business versus business to consumer, okay, that was just a place where I was at, and I was coming out of the wedding industry was just a very business to consumer industry. And I just, I set the bar that the only thing I knew was that I wanted to be more of a business to business industry now. Like, that's, that's the direction I wanted to go. Okay. And so I tried this, I tried that I tried all different kinds of things. I tried so many times to make sense of what I was doing, when in reality, I had no idea what I was doing, and that's okay. But had I not taken those steps, I wouldn't be where I am today. Okay, so all of those things that I did in that last two year span, okay, in that, in that climb out of the dark face, all of those things have led me into this magnifying business decision of alignment. Okay, pursuing the dream of a multi passionate in spite of being told that I shouldn't, okay, nobody gets to decide what dreams you get to chase, nobody gets to decide what dreams come true and which ones don't, they just don't. Okay, you are in charge of making that decision. And now as I sit here, I am like, huge smile, like, I am so happy that I took the steps of trying new things that I you know, put fear to the side or you know, what war fear, like a backpack or a fanny pack, you know, I mean, like a pink glittery, like clear fanny pack with like, glitter floating around in there, like, hell yeah, that was where I carried my fear, because you know, what fear propelled me into where I am today. And now, as this weight of fabulous grows, we are growing into this, I hate the word agency. And I really, really do because it is one of those terms, that has just a negative stigma to it. It just has this, you know, to many people view agency and a very specific corporate way. And I am the polar opposite of corporate you guys is not the direction I'm trying to go. So we are going to be going the creative marketing studio, because we offer so many different things. And after being told I shouldn't do these things, it almost propelled me even more to, to like maybe prove to those people it can be done. Maybe not everybody can do it. I'm not gonna sit here and say that, like, everybody can do this. It takes a very certain mindset and willingness to kind of keep going, but like, it can be done. It can be fricking done. So if you feel like you're torn between, you know, what society is telling you to do and what you want to do, girl, follow your fucking dreams and screw everybody else. Okay, I am telling you screw everybody else and follow your damn dream. Okay. And something else that Keisha talks about a lot on her podcast, when she's talking about like these these big ideas and these goals is that being gifted the vision of something big or small, or literally anything but being gifted the vision of something, the truth is, if we were gifted a vision, so unique, so deeply felt, you are also gifted the resources, you just have to be willing to find them and work through them. Okay, there is just too much negativity in the world right now. It does not even matter what freaking category. There is so much negativity, okay. And something else I'm really, really tired of hearing about is all of the negative stigma around network marketing. Okay, I've been there multiple industries, I have done multilevel marketing mlm, whatever the hell that you want to call it. Okay, they've done plenty of name shifts also, to try to rid themselves of that stigma. But guess what guys, it doesn't. It doesn't matter what the name changes to like, it really doesn't freakin matter. The reality is, I've been there. I've been in multiple industry network marketing companies, and it didn't work for me plain and simple, plain and simple. But that doesn't not mean that MLM and network marketing is a bad business, it does not mean that I am choosing to give that business like a bad name. Okay, it means I tried it, and it didn't align for me. That's it. Okay, I have so many friends who have a glorious success in their multilevel marketing business, it brings them joy, it brings them money, in all lines for them, it works for them. So who the hell cares? But guess what, guys, the reality of that is that they didn't just jump in and reach a million bucks, just like every other freaking business. They put in the time and the effort of trying something new. Okay, they're trying something new, they jumped in, fearful or not, they jumped in to try. They had a mindset of but what if, what if I try this instead of like, well, if this then what? Okay, so a lot of that is mindset shift, a lot of that is opening up your mind to the possibility of what could be what you're doing now. The way you're showing up now is absolutely related to the future version of you. Okay, are you actively seeking something new? Okay, it doesn't have to be a big thing. It does not have to be a business idea to like, literally, it could be something as simple as a different coffee order at Starbucks, okay? But are you actively thinking about broadening your horizon, your mindset? Are you giving yourself space to grow? Those are the things that I want you to start thinking about, okay. And when you feel like you've tried it all, and you're feeling stuck, and you don't know how to move forward, I want you to think about this quote, again, okay? Maybe you just haven't done enough things for the magnet of your life, to tell you what it's attracted to. Okay, I want you to look back at the last six months, maybe the last year, whatever your, you know, mindset can look at, I'm someone who likes to look like really far out. So whatever your you know, whatever your bandwidth is, I want you to think at least six months back. And I want you to think about all of the things all of the times that you gave yourself permission to try something new. Okay, now, the number doesn't necessarily matter. But the realization of the fact that you either do or do not pursue something new, is what I want you to wrap your head around. Okay? So the next time that you tell yourself, I can't, I just can't I don't know how I'm under qualified, no one would hire me to do that. Okay, I want you to step back and I want you to tell yourself, maybe the person right now, can't do that. But what do I have to do to become that person? Who can? who is qualified? Okay, so today, I want you to really think about something new that you can try, either in your life or your business, whatever it is, if you want some ideas, DM me on Instagram, and I am happy to give you some ideas that relate to you and your business or your life. But I want you to do something, something different, something that might give you a little bit of experience. It might push the needle towards you being qualified, but more than anything, I hope it changes your mindset. I hope it opens a gap in your mindset to allow new things in. Okay, because the only thing that's going to cure the hump of I can't, is becoming the person who can. Okay, I really hope that this resonated with you guys. But more than anything, I'm rooting for you. I believe in you. I know that you have what it takes to pursue those dreams. The question is, When are you going to start? All right, baby. I hope you really enjoy today's conversation. I'm super curious to know what your biggest takeaway was from today. So go ahead and share this episode on social media. Make sure you tag me at this way to fabulous and let me know what you connected with. What did you learn from the episode and what action item are you going to take today? Until next time, guys, keep pushing, keep dreaming. And let's keep on redefining fabulous chatroom guys