Redefining Fabulous

Coffee Convo with Molly Kranovich: Calm Strategies for Life & Business

β€’ Jessi Cabanin, Molly Kranovich β€’ Season 1 β€’ Episode 7

Today's episode is SUPER exciting as I chatted all things ZEN with Molly Kranovich,  on this brand new segment of "EmpowHERing Coffee Convos" that is all about how to find CALM in the midst of everyday chaos.

Molly Kranovich is an Expert Calm Coach and Founder of MK Namaste in Mount Prospect, Illinois. Connect with her via her brand spankin' new website (courtesy of moi πŸ€ͺ)

Until next time babe, keep pushing, keep dreaming, and let's keep on redefining fabulous.

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Jessi Cabanin:

Hey bro Hey, are you ready for some real talk? If you are a female entrepreneur who has ever felt like a total failure or maybe even a frequent flyer of imposter syndrome, this podcast is for you. I'm your host Jesse a millennial business owner, boy mom and creative genius helping women bring their business dreams to life after 10 years of building numerous creative brands from the ground up, I'm ready to get real about what actually goes on behind the scenes of building your very own empire failure opened a brand new mindset for me and I really want that for you too, because honestly, I am just so over society's definition of what it means to live a successful life So together, we are going to create and navigate a version of success that works for you. Together, we can redefine fabulous All right, babe. Happy Friday. I am so excited about today's a brand new segment called empowered coffee conversations with Jessie this is something that I started in my private business Facebook group, if you are not in their Head to facebook slash groups slash empower her Yorubas to join us and what we are doing is we are starting a conversation. Okay. So what I'm doing is bringing people on talking about topics that we don't like to talk about all the time, and just kind of breaking the stigma and starting a conversation. Okay, so today's episode is with Molly Coronavirus, who is the founder of MK Namaste. She is an incredible calm coach and she teaches kids and adults how to find calm and she is going to give you some tips today on finding your calm and utilizing calm strategies within your life and your business. So without further ado, let's dive in. Okay, thank you guys so much for joining us today Happy whatever day of the week it is because God knows I have no idea ever what day of the week it is so welcome to another episode of empowering coffee combos. I am Jessi the founder and chief empowerment Officer of this way to fabulous Inc. and I am here today with Molly. She is the owner of MK Namaste, who is an incredible calm coach. She teaches kids and adults how to find calm in the midst of everyday chaos. Okay, if this sounds like you raise your hand and join us because this is going to be amazing. Okay, so before we dive in, Molly, why don't you tell everyone just a little bit about yourself like a quick synopsis of where you're at in life, your business, just kind of where you're at right now.

Molly Kranovich:

Hi, guys. I'm Molly. Just like Jesse said, I'm the owner of MK namaste. We do yoga classes. And for kids and adults. We also make Breathe Easy boxes, like think everything you would need for a calm corner in your house for you or your kids. I have four kiddos of my own. And I started this business out of feeling like I was chaotic all the time and knew there had to be a better way to find some calm and just fell in love with the way yoga can offer that test. That's me.

Jessi Cabanin:

For sure. Awesome. Well, I am so excited that you're here today. So let's dive in. Okay, I don't want to waste any time. I want to know about calm like, Where can I buy it? Because like it is a daily freaking struggle over here. Okay, so I want to know where I can buy it or where I could find it?

Molly Kranovich:

Well, the first thing I'll tell you is I try to look at it like a practice, right? It's something we have to do a little bit every day. It's not like something that you just wake up one day and you're gonna be calm. So it's too bad.

Jessi Cabanin:

You'll be in like a million dollar business right now, if that was the case.

Molly Kranovich:

Let the switch give you a pill. You'll be calm, though. But yeah, like I think being busy being a mama or having my own business, I realized that you have to kind of look for the Calm in the Chaos. It's not just gonna come to you. So in yoga, we talk a lot about like our monkey mind the chatter in our brain and how can we calm it down, right. So it's not just you that has that chatter going in your brain. It's all of us. And so what we'll talk about today is like how we can do that through breath practices, or little mindfulness practices. And it doesn't have to be like this big overwhelming thing.

Jessi Cabanin:

Yeah, monkey brain. You got me at that. Like that's super intriguing. It's a super, like, memorable type of thing for me. Tell me a little bit more about that. Because I feel like just with the name, I can get on board with that. So like, tell me a little bit more about that.

Molly Kranovich:

Well, I'll tell you a little bit how we do it. Like in my kids practices, we I'll tell them all to like all at once. Tell me everything they've already done that day. So like, they'll be like I got up I brush my teeth like super fast. And it's really loud and cat and like sometimes our brain feels like that, right? That's our monkey mind. It's like, going through a lot of thoughts at once. And so then I'll teach them to find their breath in as a way to calm that down. So one thing we do sometimes is like we'll take our hands and we'll use our thumb to touch each finger so like thumb to the pointer finger, breathe in to the ring finger breathe out to the writing. But you get the thing you go And then you can use words to like I am calming down. And you can use this for yourself too. It's not just for kids, I use it sometimes if I'm like sitting in traffic and I'm frustrated, okay? Take a deep breath. And then that can help to kind of calm that chatter, reset the nervous system so that you can find a moment to Okay, I need to focus on one thing, rather than letting my thoughts take over,

Jessi Cabanin:

for sure. And like in something like this, in teaching this and thinking, especially to kids, but at the same time, my brain is also kind of going into adults and like, teaching, you know, teaching an old dog new tricks, you know, and like, how do you deal with the resistance factor of that. So like, I know, for me, personally, I have never, in my, really, in my life been a huge yoga meditation person, but it's something that as I get older, I'm really starting to open my mind a little bit more to alternative routes to handle my anxiety and to kind of like, address that. And obviously, I have a four year old son to who I don't want him taking those, like ethos traits for me, you know, and so how do you battle the like, resistance factor, both on the kids and adult side?

Molly Kranovich:

I think that's a really great question. I think

Jessi Cabanin:

Yeah, wow. Like that, wow, that's really some of it is, we're always often afraid of new things, right? It's just something for sure. But I think what I try to do through the work I do is make it accessible, like especially, you know, like with the kids, we do a lot of music that's just like, they don't even realize they're learning these practices, or with the moms I work with the adults I work with, I just try to meet them where they're at, like, that's what we often start our practice with, like meet yourself where you're at today, give yourself some grace, like, can you be without judgment of yourself for one minute, this practice, and maybe next week, it's too, like, I think we often think of having to have a yoga or meditation practice is like, oh, I need to carve out an hour and get on a yoga mat and do all these stretches. And I'm not flexible. So what am I going to do? But like, really, it could be one minute every day. And like, look at how many minutes you would get over a year. If you did that. If one minute everyday, you're like, I'm going to take a deep breath before I yell at my kids. I'm going to do a yoga pose before I go into this work meeting, I'm going to like, I'm going into an interaction with my spouse and I'm heated like, can I notice that I felt heated? That's all I did today. I just noticed I didn't change my reaction. But like, it can be simple. powerful to talk about it like that, as far as like, just starting to become aware of some of the thoughts that you're having, and some of the feelings that you're having. And not necessarily focusing on the task itself of doing the meditation, but really just starting to kind of like, open your eyes to like some of the things that are happening, something you said, I think is so important for everybody is that there is this society mold of like, what yoga is or what meditation is, and I feel like, this is such a great topic too, in this genre, because, you know, it's it's just like everything else, everybody, like society sets the standard of what it means to meditate. And this and that means it needs to be exactly 20 minutes, or it needs to, you know, whatever. And I think it's great that you're touching on the fact that that's not the case, like you are really kind of breaking that stigma that something like this can be very easy to implement into your daily life into your lifestyle, and that feels so like so much like an overwhelming task. And like you said, for the kids, you know, sort of making it something that's like, a little bit fun and body movement where they don't even realize what they're doing. You know, it's kind of like shoving those vegetables in her like chocolate shaker. So it's kind of like that trickery in a sense, but like, really just sort of, like you said opening, opening their minds to like what's actually happening instead of focusing on the task itself. So I love I love that. I love that. Okay, so let's talk a little bit more about meditation for a little bit here. So like, we've all probably heard meditation can help with your mental focus. But to me, it just seems like super overwhelming, like I always feel like and it's kind of goes with what you were saying with just sort of like opening your mind to what's actually happening. But can you explain just a little bit more about how the meditation process actually works? Or like, how me or another adult like me, who's kind of overwhelmed by it and new to it, like, how we can sort of like, grow into it and like, get better with it?

Molly Kranovich:

Absolutely. And one thing I would say is I try to look at meditation practice by like, how do you learn, right? If you learn by listening is that how you learn, maybe you want to put on a guided meditation as you walk. And that's your way to try out meditation. If you're a person who's a visual learner, maybe you want to, like, look at a pretty picture of a mandala like design and just kind of like focus on just try to just focus on that for a minute or two, knowing your mind will wander. But or if you're, you know, just like how do you learn how is writing how you learn to maybe your meditation, your coloring while you while you try to meditate or something. So it doesn't have to be like I'm sitting on a cushion in silence. And then like, Could you do a certain meditation that you have on your phone, an app or something before bed? Like for me, I noticed if I listen to the same one every night, then by about like night 10 or 15. It's like my brain hears it and it's like, oh, it's time for bed, right? And then another trick I like is like there's a loving kindness meditation, it's kind of popular. So it's like you would send yourself these wishes, I am happy, I am healthy. I live with ease, okay. And then you would send them to other people in your life like people who you love people who you're difficult with. But you could do that in action, like, you could be driving down the road and think, Okay, for this car ride, whoever I pass, I'm going to send them that, like, may you be happy, it could be that simple. But you're still then bringing your brain back to one thing, and you still get those benefits of, I think, where meditation really helps us, it helps to reset the nervous system to kind of take us out of fight or flight into a calming place. And so your meditation can be a walking meditation, it can be in movement, it can be in lots of different forms.

Jessi Cabanin:

Yeah, for sure. And I think like what you were saying too, about, like, you know, it's not necessarily a like one and done thing, it's a repetition kind of thing to kind of get your your body and your brain and your life kind of used to that. And it's also not necessarily a like one and done type of thing, where, you know, like, if you do exactly this, you're going to be great, it's more about opening up your mind to what's actually happening, and focusing on getting from fight or flight getting from that red zone to like, just one step lower. And then one step lower, and one step lower. Like it's this process. So like, I love that and I think I'm so I'm kind of excited that you were talking about these little like, like love note types of things. Because when I was in the depths of like, postpartum depression and and going through my divorce, and all these things, you know, like, I ended up starting to set alarms on my phone. Originally, it was for medication, but like the the, what do you call it, like the title or the caption on it? Like I was putting, like, I am strong, I am beautiful. I am, you know, whatever. And like, I never really looked at it back then as something that like helped to bring me out. But looking back, I do feel like the little things sometimes are the things that make a bigger difference over time. So I'm really glad you said that, because I kind of feel like maybe I like

Molly Kranovich:

Yeah, and I think affirmations are awesome like that. And they're a great thing you can do with your whole household, right? Like you don't have you know, it's such an easy, it isn't meditation practice. It's reframing your brain to come back to one idea, right? Yeah, often has busy mom and entrepreneur I often use I have more than enough time for everything. Because I feel like we constantly tell ourselves, like I don't have enough time. And it's like, wait, I have more than enough time for everything I need to get done today.

Jessi Cabanin:

Yes, yes. And something that I've started to tell myself as well, when I start to feel guilty of like not doing something because I ran out of time or something is saying like, it wasn't that I didn't have enough time it was that I didn't make it a priority. And so like, it's not that it's like this, like I am awful person or mom now because I didn't have enough time to do this. It was just like, I made priorities. And then what didn't get done was not a priority. So like tomorrow, I'll make that a priority and sort of just kind of like, talk myself into a different mindset sometimes because it's sometimes it has to be out loud. Sometimes it's just a like, mind thing. Like, I need to say it out loud. I'm talking to myself in the mirror, but like I will sort of

Molly Kranovich:

write it Yeah, I in my membership to I have like coloring pages and like a lot of them have affirmations on it. And it's like, okay, that's the practice to color it and be like, oh, yeah, I can do this.

Jessi Cabanin:

Yes, for sure. And one thing I love about MP and I was saying guys is that she approaches these things from so many directions. So like when she was talking about you might be a visual learner, you might be you know, an audio learner, whoever it is, all of her like memberships and things they allow you to sort of come to these things from different angles, like what works for you, and being able to be open to trying new ways as well. I never used to be an audio listener. That's a whole nother story for another day. But I am very much a visual person, like audio was never ever, ever a thing for me and but now I'm at a point in my life where they have opened that door a little bit I've like started to put myself in the in the space to try something new. And honestly, the growth that you feel when you start to try some of these new things. It's just, it's just amazing in in thinking back, you know, just kind of like why did I wait so long to like, try something like this. But you started at the right time, right? You gotta tell yourself that it's whenever you start. It's the right time. Right? Exactly. Okay, so I am that person that is like, like, I feel like I'm the craziest person on earth. You know, I'm doing 100 things at once. I'm in 100 directions and honestly, on most days of the week, I thrive that way like I am definitely someone who thrives in chaos, but it's really weird to most people but like for for if you're like me and you feel like you thrive in business, you're not alone. Like it is a little bit strange because people are kind of like how are you even functioning but so I am that person that's in 100 direction. So I feel like I think my question is like, can someone in the insane mindset like me, like, is it possible for me to even find calm like sometimes it feels so out of reach? For me it feels like it is like just like, like almost like it's not meant for me if that makes sense.

Molly Kranovich:

100% Yeah, and I don't think I'm I my natural state is super cool. either like I thrive in busyness, too. Like, I have four kids, right? And I decided to start my own business in the midst of having four kids because I like to be busy. I like to be moving. I like to do lots of different things. So I don't think you know, I think people always say to me, Well, yeah, it's easy for you because you are calm. It's like, well, no, I like have to really work at this. But I think the most important thing is give yourself grace, right? Like, if you're gonna mess up, like, you're gonna mess up in your business, you're gonna mess up in your relationships, you're gonna mess up with your kids. But how do you get yourself to a mindset that maybe you what I would say is calm, you would say is something you know, maybe you have a different word for it. Maybe you're like, I don't want to be home. That seems like sleepy and boring. I think it's more just about like, working. I look at the yoga practices as working on yourself and the relationship you have with the way you talk to yourself, you give yourself and your body of course, right. Like when I started, I thought it was going to be like, Oh, I'm gonna be like a fitness instructor. Like, I didn't realize I was getting into like, a whole mindset shift. But I think like at home, for example, like with my kids, I'll be like, let's start over. Like, it's not like I don't ever yell, right? Or I don't ever say the wrong thing, or do something that I didn't want to do. It's then like, can I go back and say, like, Okay, that was not how I wanted to react. Just like it wasn't probably how you wanted to react, like, let's do a do over. Can we start over? Can we redo this moment? So like giving yourself the ability to just say, like, okay, I can take back those small little things and, or I can try and calm for like, five minutes of my day. And then 95% of my day is not but okay. Today, I found calm for five minutes. And yesterday, it was for, right?

Jessi Cabanin:

Yes. Yes. I love that. And do you feel like, Do you ever feel like extra pressure? Because you're in this industry? Like you said, like, you thought you were gonna be this fitness instructor. And then you like went into mindset and like, well, that's the beauty of business. You guys like, evolving is the beauty of business. But like, Do you ever feel like because you're in this genre, because you're in this industry? Do you feel extra pressure to like, always appear calm to people or like, because you said like, people are like, Well, that's easy for you. Like, you're calm, like, and you're sitting there like at home that But damn, I must be doing a good job. You know, like, do you feel extra pressure to like always, like, look calm, feel calm? Like, do you feel this extra pressure in this industry? Because like, I would imagine feeling like so much extra pressure.

Molly Kranovich:

You know what, I used to feel that way. And I feel like now sometimes I get more response from people when I share with them. Like, it's not doesn't come easy. Sometimes, like a lot of times when I'll like send a weekly email and be like, Oh, my gosh, I thought I would like I thought I had it together. And I did not. Here's what happened at home. And people are like, I can relate to that, like, so I used to feel that way. But I'm trying more and more to be like, I'm how human me like, I'm human, just like you are like, but I do. I was joking with my girlfriend the other day, I was like, I'm like I send these weekly call emails, but like the windows are about to open outside. Like, don't let my neighbors tell you how much I'm yelling at my kids like, right? So I mean, we're all like, Yeah, I'm now

Jessi Cabanin:

I'm now imagining you writing your email. Hello, guys. I am so calm today. But like, that's the reality of it, you guys, sometimes we are calm and very invested in the, you know, emotional state of our business and other days. We have, like, life has other plants. For us. That is just how business works. But I, I love what you said about how you know, you just, you just kind of go with the flow sometimes. And you just kind of have to take into account when you had five minutes of column you have to take that as a win. And it's something I preach so much to my marketing and business coaching clients is that like, you have to celebrate the smaller wins. Because if you don't, it will like getting to a bigger goal feels that much more daunting, because you never treated the smaller goals as goals as well. You know, and that's just that's such an important thing to remember when you're building a business in any industry is that you have got to make sure that you are taking the time to honor the things that are going well and to take the things that are going bad and kind of reframe that mindset into Okay, so like blah, blah, blah happened. What am I going to learn from this? That is something that I've been like, growing my like, internally growing for me for the last two years is like, what am I learning from this instead of like, Woe is me. Life sucks. Everything has kind of turned into like, Okay, now, that did suck. I'm not gonna like pretend that it didn't suck. But now I'm going to think a little bit more about like, what does that mean, for me? What does that mean for the next step? What does that mean for closing a door opening, opening a new door, you know, whatever. And I think in that in itself, like in that practice, you start to find that that's almost a meditation practice because you are changing your mindset into like, turning something bad into something good, you know, so like, Roy, I really liked what you said, I think that's super, super relatable. It sounds really easy. And, you know, like, I think that a lot of people will attest to like, advertisements out there that are like, oh, yeah, wow, that'll do that for me and like a snap. Like, that sounds so easy. I'm gonna I'm in you know, so it sounds easy enough for like some days I feel like Like, this should be super easy. And then some days I feel like I would rather die than try then like start this, like try to start something new. So do you have any specific tips for moms in business? Because I, you know, like it calm is something for all of us for sure. But I think that as moms, we can all relate to each other a little bit of like, I hate to say like, because we're moms, we have this excuse, like, it's not about having an excuse, but we do have that extra stress factor. So do you have any specific tips for like mompreneurs? Who may feel like they're in the depth of this as well very, like, afraid to try it? Because today might be that day where they feel so scary to them?

Molly Kranovich:

Yeah, I totally get that. I think, you know, knowing you're not the only one who feels that way is a good starting point. One kind of little practice I try with is like, observe, don't absorb, like, I feel like as a mom, it's so easy to like, take on our kids, mental state. So like, and with four kids, like they're not all going to be in a good mental state all the time, right? So I often remind myself about like, I can observe their behavior, I can observe their bad mood, but like, I don't have to absorb that. I don't have to take that on me today. So just trying to kind of remind yourself that you can be and remind your kids about that too. Like just because someone else in the house might be having a moment doesn't mean you have to meet them at and that depends on the age of your kids, right? You're sure that you're one year old, having having a tantrum, they're having a tantrum, but like just trying to self regulate and like, use the bathroom. Like if you need to go in the bathroom and shut the door for just a minute and like, take three deep breaths, like, do it right. I remember coming.

Jessi Cabanin:

Here come the fingers under the door, though. Coming under the door, and you're like, Well, you just leave me alone.

Molly Kranovich:

Totally, totally. I remember. When I had a colicky baby, someone said to me, like no baby ever died from crying. And that was like my mantra like, okay, no babies died from crying, I'm gonna put you in your crib, I'm gonna walk away. I'm gonna like, take five deep breaths, do one child's pose for like, 30 seconds. And then like, come back. Like it's,

Jessi Cabanin:

ya know, for sure. I love what you're saying too, about it being a choice. I feel like for people who think that like, Oh, it's so easy for you, like You're so calm, you know, like, No, you're choosing to be calm, you're choosing to take care of your mental your mental health, your physical health, like you are making that choice. It's not just something that was like magically instilled in you, you don't just like carry a magic wand, like you are making a conscious choice to make these changes in your life for yourself or your kids for your business. You know, and I think that understanding that some of those things are a choice is gonna be maybe an unpopular opinion. Like, I feel like some people are gonna be like, it is not a choice. Well,

Molly Kranovich:

and sometimes maybe it's not right, like, maybe there's some underlying anxiety and you need to get some medicine, medicine for it or something like that, right? It's not. But I also think the other thing I would say is like, ask for help, right? So maybe you can't ask for help in one in your business. But you could have someone help you watch your kids, or you could have someone help you do your laundry, or you could have someone help you prepare dinner. You know, like, we don't have to do it all we live in a society that expects us to do so much. And that's not how it was years ago, right? People had tribes of people helping them and they lived with extended family. And it's hard man, like, I am not necessarily that good at it. But I'm learning to like, ask for help and vocalize What do I need? Okay, what do I need? How can I get other people to help me? So

Jessi Cabanin:

yes, for sure. And I feel like sometimes, too. And you obviously, you know, a big part of the podcast in this this empowering combos is to start this conversation, because like you said, there is this stigma that like because we are women, we like should be able to do it all with no help, like we should like asking for help is like, you know, like, That's bullshit. I don't I shouldn't have to ask for help. Right. But also, I feel like for me, sometimes I find it easier to ask for things that are a little bit bigger. Because I feel like sometimes when I'm asking for really small things, that it seems even more ridiculous that I'm asking for help with that, if that makes sense. Like, I know, that's a mindset thing for me. Like, I know that that's like I'm just making up but like, I feel less like guilty. When I'm asking someone to help me with like, almost an entire project versus like, can you just take the trash out? Because then I feel like they're thinking why can't you just do it yourself? Like, I just it's this constant like mindset of like, why is it so hard to ask for help? Because people react to us? Like sometimes sometimes people do out loud overreact to you like, why can't you just take it out yourself? Or like why? And you know, definitely that's like a that's a kid thing too. It'd be like, buddy, can you please go put this in your room? Well, why? And I think to myself, well, a because I asked you to be because I'm asking for help because I need your help. You know,

Molly Kranovich:

I ask for help a lot too. Then I feel like if you don't get the response you want it's like oh like soul crushing but I feel like as you ask for it more like if you get it if I'm tons out of 10 It's better than getting it, you know, like, you kind of learn to say, okay, you know, you're you ask like your significant other, like, I'm gonna start asking for help more than what my therapist is telling me asks, tell, tell them like, I'm gonna start asking for help more, but you also have to meet me and say, like, when you can't do it, doesn't mean you have to take it all on. Right?

Jessi Cabanin:

Right. But it's like, I'm asking you to take out the trash, just go take out the trash. So I feel like also with my son, you know, he's four. And I feel like he is at that age where, you know, I'm trying to instill in him that it's okay to ask for help, too, because sometimes you'll see him struggling, I mean, something as simple as opening a applesauce pouch, or, you know, like something like this, and you get so frustrated and just not want to ask for help. You know, like, he's that like, man who's just like, I'm gonna do it myself. And, you know, I'm trying to instill in him to like, it's okay to ask for help. Like, sometimes we need help doing things. And sometimes, sometimes you don't need my help. I know, you don't need my help putting your pajamas on, go put them on. But it's like, it's this very, it's this very blurry line of trying to navigate your child's growth, as well as your own growth. And I think for me, having him was kind of a jumpstart into realizing how much work I needed to do on myself and a lot of those things, because you guys, if like, you're my mother, I know you get it, but they absorb everything. They want to be everything that you are. And so like the things that we're doing good and bad, they're watching that, and they're absorbing that and they're kind of turning that into like their own life. Like it's actually really good.

Molly Kranovich:

I know. And there's like some quote about that. It's like something like the kids can only be as calm as the the least calm adult in the household or something, which is kind of overwhelming, because you're like, oh my gosh, but it's a good reminder of like, we, you know, if we can kind of self regulate, they can meet us where we're at?

Jessi Cabanin:

Yes, for sure. And it becomes really terrifying when you see them doing acting, saying the things that you are saying maybe like when you're frustrated, like, Oh, my goodness, and then you see him and he's like, Oh, my goodness. And I'm like, oh, you know, it's just, it's very, very crazy. So, okay, so as we wrap this up, I'm sure there are like, tons of people out there who can totally relate to this. Like, they're literally probably sitting there like, Oh, my God, this is me like, What advice do you have for them to just get started, like, I would love for us to give them an action item today, for them to take action on just to take that first step. Like they don't get a choice. They get to take one first step, and we're telling them what to do, what would you tell them to do?

Molly Kranovich:

I would say try box breathing box breathing is like a really great practice. And it's easy to remember, I think so it's essentially you're like, looking at a box, right? But it's four terms for transport. And for what that means is you're going to inhale for four, hold the breath for four, exhale for four, hold the breath for four. This is a really great common practice that Navy SEALs use this, like it has a lot of research about it. I'll do one round with us now. So you can try it out. Yeah, awesome. And then what I would say is like, try it over the next week. When you think about can you do a back breath real quick. You could also draw out a square and do it on paper with your finger too, if you're a person who likes to kind of have that visual. But so let's try it. So let's inhale 234 Hold 234 exhale 234, hold 234 and then just let it go.

Jessi Cabanin:

Wow, I love that. Like I It must be really hard to do that. While you're saying what to do, though.

Molly Kranovich:

Oh, yeah, I didn't do it. But I would also say like just maybe even the practice of notice how you feel before you do it. Notice how you feel after you do it without judgment, just like, try that little practices. Yes,

Jessi Cabanin:

yes. I love that. So everybody out there listening or watching, I hope that you guys are taking this breath right now I hope that you guys are really sort of opening your mind to something new. Nobody out there. Nobody is perfect. Everybody has room to make small changes to make their life better. Nobody's life is 100% Perfect. And I think that this is an amazing place for you to start, especially if you are an entrepreneur because I know that the days are like they can be so chaotic. And sometimes it is just literally comes down to like, are you able to recompose yourself to continue on your day because I know that there are days that I struggle with that. So I feel like this is something that for me, especially the whole damn thing. I never really knew what the whole like I knew what like slow breath in and out. But I've never really never really thought about the hold. And even in that short practice right there. I just sort of felt my mind start to think about like that hold instead of whatever else was going on. So I love that Molly, thank you so much for joining me today to open up the conversation just about chaos and the reality of life as a business owner, a woman a mom, and just really kind of helping me expose that like we're not alone in this and that like there are so many ways to work through it and like get better with it. Like we want to live the best lives for ourselves. Our kids, for our families, it obviously helps us run our business better as well. So, Molly, if listeners are totally vibing with this because I know they are and they want more, they want to hear more, they want to see more. Where can they find you? Or how is the best way to like get in touch with you if they want to work with you.

Molly Kranovich:

I would say I'm most active over on Instagram at MK dot Namaste. Also on my website and then if you join my mailing list, that's where I send out weekly emails with just kind of like a little thought for the week and any classes or offerings I might have.

Jessi Cabanin:

Awesome. Awesome. All right. Well, thank you guys so much for joining me today. And Molly, thank you so much. This has been amazing. I'm ready to go like Zen my breath for another like 10 minutes before I attempt to tackle today. Which we're having me All right. All right guys. Have a fabulous week and we will chat soon. All right, baby. I hope you really enjoyed today's conversation. I am super curious to know what your biggest takeaway was from today. So go ahead and share this episode on social media. Be sure to tag me at this way to fabulous and let me know what you connected with. What did you learn from this episode and what action item are you going to take today? But till next time guys, keep pushing, keep dreaming and let's keep on redefining fabulous chat soon guys.